We prefer to do an on-site estimate. This helps us to see the work first-hand.
We will get you a detailed estimate delivered right to your email address.
Simply respond to our estimate, "Please schedule the work". This helps us get your project to the next stage.
We will respond by email or with a call to let you know our schedule for your project.
Keep in mind, inclimate weather changes our work schedule. We will keep you informed of changes.
All excavation and grinding job requires us to call this for this service. There is no fee to you for this service.
We contact 811-PA ONE CALL so that any utilities near the worksite will be marked with flags.
(Any contractor that asks you to call 811 on their behalf is putting you at risk if damage is done.)
When our work is complete we love to see our customers smile. If you have any issues along the way, please contact us.
We want you to have the best experience possible.
1653 Lititz Pike #126
Lancaster, PA 17601
See us on Angies List
Email: stumpsnmore@gmail.com
Phone: 717-431-2995
Fax: 717-431-2995